leicester business .com

| accountants | company formations | commercial property | payroll bureau | suggestlink | taxshop | website design |
Start A Business
  1. Business Names
  2. Business Plans
  3. Business Banking
  4. Promote Business
Business Advice
  1. Starting up
  2. Oppportunity
  3. Commercial Property
  4. Business Finance
Business Tax
  1. Income Tax
  2. VAT
  3. Capital Gains
  4. Inheritance Tax
Business Payroll
  1. Payroll Tax
  2. Payroll Software
  3. Payroll Services


Welcome to Leicester Business .com - your first source of infomation for everything to do with starting a business and running your own business.

Starting Your Own Business

Company Formations

If you are considering forming a limited company for your business or investments we can help you with Companies House requirements for directors, the company secretary and the registered office as well as the tax and other implications that my be involved. We offer a same day incorporation service and usually have a list of ready made companies with memorable names to get you up and running without delay and all at a fraction of the cost of traditional accountants!


Domain Names

A good domain name wil help attract traffic to your website and look good on letterheads, signs and adverts ..

Limited Companies

Our ready made limited companies allow you to start your business without delay. Starting at just £99 the service offers a hassle free way of lauching your new business idea. Read More ...

Stress-Free Payroll

Running a Payroll can be a minefield of form-filling and red tape. Our payroll service offers a cost effective and local solution More ...


Accounting Services

for a complete tax & accounting service mjwccountancy.co.uk

save money with our 1/2 price payroll service www.simplypay.net

a great way to network your business and best of all its free! suggestalink.co.uk

Ryalls HMB
Chartered Certified Accoutants and Registered Auditors


Focus on Opticians

We offer a complete service for Opticians:-

Domain Names for sale include

Let us design and host your websight. Prices start at under £300.00

Payroll Service for Directors and Staff, Weekly or Monthly bookkeeping, VAT , Annual Accounts and Tax Returns...



Website Design

We have brought down the price of our web design packages so even small business will find an affordable solution | more |


Attention Landlords

In an environment of low and stable interest rates,many people are turning to in property investments but not all will profit ..

Property Management Service

Are you sitting on large property gains or have you bought a property to boost your income in retirement?. We at leicesterbusiness.com have a property management service focussed on complying with tax legislation and claiming available allowances. Let us keep your important documents on file and ensure that returns are filed on a timely basis and the tax liability is kept to a minmum.

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